Survivor Care

Survivor Care

What Religious Professionals Need to Know About Healing Trauma  

by Christy Gunter Sim

Help victims of violence and abuse find healing.

Written especially for Christian professionals and pastors, this book explains the complexities of violence and care. From a sound scientific and spiritual perspective, Sim gives concrete ways to address standards of care, healing, and confidentiality and shows why violence and abuse continue to plague our society. Beginning with the neurobiology of trauma, this practical guide outlines three modes of biological reaction and introduces specific ways healing and wholeness can occur. Sim also addresses the importance of self-care and vicarious trauma, including behavioral signs and symptoms. The book also details how community partners and churches can help victims.

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Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-945935-35-0
Publisher: GBHEM
Publication Date: 01/01/2019
Pages: 220

Christy Gunter Sim has a doctorate from Saint Paul School of Theology, a Master of Divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary, and over 500 hours of specialized training in violence and trauma. Dr. Sim offers expert advice, training, and consulting for domestic/family violence, sexual assault, secondary trauma prevention, and trauma healing for churches, faith leaders, and nonprofit community partners. For more information see

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