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Showing 1 - 10 of 373 results

Pastoral Pause

A Practical Guide to Renewal Leave  
Greg Pimlott

In the demanding realm of pastoral ministry, where energy fades and the threat of burnout is ever-present, pastor Greg Pimlott offers a lifeline. With disarming humor and refreshing honesty, Pimlott invites us into his own transformative journey from burnout to spiritual revitalization, providing encouragement, inspiration, and practical tools for other pastors on the brink of exhaustion and considering a renewal leave.

Lanzar una nueva comunidad de adoración

Una guía práctica para la década de 2020  
Craig Gilbert, Paul Nixon

En el libro Lanzar una nueva comunidad de adoración, los autores Paul Nixon y Craig Gilbert junto con un equipo de otros catorce expertos en plantación de iglesias, ofrecen consejos valiosos a los líderes del ministerio — tanto al clero como a los laicos — para alcanzar a nuevas personas con el evangelio.

Lanzar una nueva comunidad de adoración

Una guía práctica para la década de 2020  
Craig Gilbert, Paul Nixon

En el libro Lanzar una nueva comunidad de adoración, los autores Paul Nixon y Craig Gilbert junto con un equipo de otros catorce expertos en plantación de iglesias, ofrecen consejos valiosos a los líderes del ministerio — tanto al clero como a los laicos — para alcanzar a nuevas personas con el evangelio.

Leadership is Discipleship 2024 (Korean)

Artificial Intelligence  

LID 2024 리더십저널은 ‘인공지능’을 다룬다. 물론 우리가 과학자나 기술자가 아니기에 인공지능 기술이 얼마나 발전하고 어떤 방향으로 갈지는 확정할 수 없다. 그러나 현재 상황과 예측할 수 있는 현실을 직시하며 인공지능 시대에 목사와 신학자로, 기독교학자와 교수로 인공지능 영역에 관한 이해와 전망, 이슈와 문제점, 직업과 노동, 인간 이해와 관계성, 윤리와 영성, 교육과 신학 관련 질문을 하고 방향을 제시할 수 있을 것이다. 인공지능이라는 한 주제 속에서, 좀 더 세밀한 부분, 곧 윤리, 문화, 인간론, 영성, 노동, 사회, 교육, 사역 등과 연계한 글이 많으니, 인공지능과 신학의 이해 폭을 넓히고 인공지능과 기독교의 만남으로 펼쳐질 미지의 세상에 길을 트고 방향을 제시해 나가기를 바란다.

The Upper Room Disciplines 2024

A Book of Daily Devotions  
The Upper Room

Challenge yourself to a deeper relationship with Christ each day with The Upper Room Disciplines. Readings in this year-long devotional will awaken and strengthen your awareness of God’s presence in your daily life. Each week a different Christian thought leader offers daily meditations and prayers that will help you engage in God's Word.

The Upper Room Disciplines 2024

A Book of Daily Devotions  
The Upper Room

Challenge yourself to a deeper relationship with Christ each day with The Upper Room Disciplines. Readings in this year-long devotional will awaken and strengthen your awareness of God’s presence in your daily life. Each week a different Christian thought leader offers daily meditations and prayers that will help you engage in God's Word.

The Upper Room Disciplines 2024, Enlarged-Print Edition

A Book of Daily Devotions  
The Upper Room

Challenge yourself to a deeper relationship with Christ each day with The Upper Room Disciplines. Readings in this year-long devotional will awaken and strengthen your awareness of God’s presence in your daily life. Each week a different Christian thought leader offers daily meditations and prayers that will help you engage in God's Word.

Safer Sanctuaries

Nurturing Trust within Faith Communities  
Discipleship Resources

Since 1998, Safe Sanctuaries has been a trusted source of guidance for churches and other affiliated institutions as they work to reduce the risk of abuse in their communities through proven policies and practices. A changing world, however, requires a constant renewal of these trusted strategies along with new and updated approaches to the work of preventing abuse. Safer Sanctuaries: Nurturing Trust within Faith Communities builds on the strong foundation of past resources while also inspiring and preparing churches for the work of the future.

Safer Sanctuaries Print Book and Online Guide

Since 1998, Safe Sanctuaries resources have been a trusted source of guidance for churches and other affiliated institutions as they work to reduce the risk of abuse in their communities through proven policies and practices. A changing world, however, requires a constant renewal of these trusted strategies along with new and updated approaches to the work of preventing abuse. Safer Sanctuaries: Nurturing Trust within Faith Communities builds on the strong foundation of past resources while also inspiring and preparing churches for the work of the future.

Safer Sanctuaries Online Guide

Nurturing Trust within Faith Communities  
Discipleship Resources

For many churches and related organizations, creating a Safe Sanctuaries policy can be a complex and overwhelming process. The Safer Sanctuaries Online Guide serves as a companion for your team as they work through the process of developing and implementing a Safe Sanctuaries policy.